Thursday, September 18, 2008

why i avoid the whole dating situation

instead of attempting the beam
she sits and looks at the walls

chopping off her arm
prevents a broken bone

great fear masked by supposed strength

now she does not experience her fingers
tracing the cold rail, hopping the wood bits


Jody said...

You should write Greetin Cards:

Blue Mountain Arts
Job Details

Blue Mountain Arts is interested in reviewing writings for publication on greeting cards. We are looking for highly original and creative submissions on friendship, family, special occasions, positive living, and other topics one person might want to share with another person. Submissions may also be considered for inclusion in book anthologies. We pay $300 per poem for all rights to publish it on a greeting card and $50 if your poem is used only in an anthology.


Unknown said...

At first I felt kind of insulted. and then i read the pararaph blurb.

that's a good idea!