Sunday, October 25, 2009

Beach House's "Astronaut"

[in lieu of a new poem, I thought I would post these lyrics from a favorite song of mine. They are so lovely. "Astronaut" is from Beach House's album "Devotion". You should probably play the video while reading the lyrics, I cannot believe they were at Bottom of the Hill a week or so ago, I am so brokenhearted that I missed them!]

Come over to my house
I'll pour some tea for us
one sugar or two
Your hand is right in front of me,
your finger fragilely, holy on
my side

Faster than an astronaut
who's coming home to what
he left long ago
I've made this brand new bed for
you, I trust the things we do,
holy or not

open the gate cause you're already late,
at the end of the lane, is a glass of
lemonade, keep 'or the path when
you hear the laugh, in the white of her
palm is your heart

{I'll be brave for a while
I won't bring you down
anymore than you are}

Please, be my baby, don't mean
maybe or not, look out the
window, there's a bright
yellow cat...

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