So as many of you know, I am apart of an intentional Christian faith community in San Francisco called ReImagine. One of the portions of this community is a Women of ReImagine night that occurs once a month, here is a description that one of the leaders, Melanie wrote about it:
Last spring we had several women of ReIMAGINE interested in making it a priority to host semi-regular gatherings for women. We envision a setting where women can:
* meet with a semi-consistent group of women with purposes that go beyond being social
* be vulnerable, open, emotional, speak out and try out new ideas without judgment
* try on different leadership roles and see if they fit
* receive unconditional love and respect for the stage of life they are in, and the life experiences they have encountered thus far.
* explore the unique qualities and feminine dimensions of being a woman following in the way of Jesus
While I haven't been able to attend, they asked me to lead a night, next Friday, on poetry. I am all excitement. It has been so long since my Ladies' Poetry Nights of Santa Cruz, when we would meet once a week, sharing and writing poetry as a way of worshiping God and building community together.
So I'm going to bring a little Rilke... not sure who else. But there will be some poetry discussion, hopefully ladies will bring some of their own favorite poems, or something they've already written. And we will also have some time to draft up poems and share our works in progress (the ultimate in making oneself open and vulnerable to others, in my opinion). Needless to say, I'm excited. Poetry holds such a precious place in my heart.
And this is the prompt I will use for when we do the poetry writing portion of the evening:
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