Friday, March 19, 2010

Draft written between 24th st and Powell stations

Paint the edges of my alter black
I want to feel your borders
Let me be contained
So I know you are here
Riding this line, swaying with the rails.
I am here, but rushing to the next destination.
My body is faint but addicted to the fast pulse.

The hummingbird beats of my heart
Remind me of my limits.
My brains misguided messages
Reminds me that I cannot out speedwalk my flaws.


Sarah Rochelle said...

I really liked this. I am glad you write.

angela said...

this is reminiscent of Rilke, but i can definitely hear your voice. it is wonderful. i especially like how it starts, the whole thing is perfect though. nevermind calling it a draft, my dear.

Lauren said...

want more of your BART series :) "i cannot out speedwalk my flaws". dig it.

Unknown said...

Thanks ladies! I've been working on a short story, that I can't post online, but I can email you what I have? Any interest?

angela said...

YES! please do.