Thursday, March 1, 2012

There's another fire on the tracks, delaying my departure

(written last June, so fascinating and comforting to read this now, being in a different place emotionally/spiritually/physically...)

One year later and the embers
Are keeping me waiting

Waiting waiting

I stay busy to not stress
This reality does not match
My itinerary

Locals get dibs
Says the advertisement
Where's my batch of ripe
Avocados then?

I'm the only one with baggage
One for each day I'm gone

Traveler with too much luggage

Won't you come lord
Arrive and release me
Place me on a rapid train
That slows down my panicked brain

Netting around my legs and
Fake color on my hair
Appearances appearances
Impeccable music taste
When did my priorities shift?

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